Note: You can find the relevant files of this project in the Swan40 GitHub repository.



  • On-off switch (Like the Corne)
    • There should be a switch to disconnect the battery on the hardware level.
  • Usage of a XIAO nRF52840
    • It should utilize Seeed Studio’s XIAO nRF52840 as the controller.
    • (This was a cost-cutting measure; the nice!nano, a commonly used bluetooth microcontroller, costs about 26€ a piece excl. shipping, while this board costs only $10.)


  • ZMK
    • It should use ZMK as its firmware.


  • Large and flexible battery capacity
    • The PCB should allow for mounting of large and small batteries.
    • There should be at least two battery mounting options.
    • The battery mounting spots should be able to accommodate up to 1000mAh LiPo batteries.
  • 3D-printed case
    • It should be possible to mount the board in a 3D-printed case which does not tilt or raise the PCB significantly.
  • Melted PCB traces
    • The traces should be melted using the Round Tracks plugin. (Because it’s cool!)
  • Aggressive column stagger (Like the Ferris Sweep)
    • The column for the pinky finger should be aggressively staggered.