There were many things I wish I did differently for my exchange, so I’ve decided to break down everything I would do or wish I’d known if I were to do this all over again.
Pre-departure Glossary:
SEA: Southeast Asian EA: Eastern Asian AC: Air Conditioning OSE: Offsite Enrollment IPA: In-principle Approval NIR: National Immunisation Registry Course Selection Check NUSMods for course reviews by previous local students to get a grasp of what the courses are like. If you want to travel: Pick courses that have no midterms (then you’re free to travel for ~11 days during recess week) Recess week is good for travelling to Australia + other SEA countries. EA countries (China, Japan, Korea) are likely near 0 degrees, so I’d save that for reading week/exam week. Pick courses that have no final exam (then you’re free to travel for ~25 days) Reading week + exam week is great for travelling to EA countries, but try avoiding Golden Week to avoid crowds. Try cramming your courses into consecutive such that you will have 3-day weekends (or even better, 4-day weekends). If you aim to live in a hall or a house, avoid selecting courses with evening lectures (6-9 PM), because they are likely to interfere with hall/house events. If you are aiming for PGPR or UTR, then there won’t be many events to worry about skipping. On-Campus Accommodation At NUS, there are three types of accommodations: